
The first mentions of Yerevan are found in historical literature of the 6th century. Archaeological excavations and cuneiform inscriptions indicate that modern Yerevan arose near the Erebuni fortress, which was built by the Urartian king Argishti I in 782 BC. e., presumably this is where the name of the city comes from. Since the mid-13th century, the role of Yerevan as a political and economic center has increased due to the emergence of caravan routes that pass through Yerevan. The city became the regional capital of the Muslim khanates and Persian rulers. Caravan trade and crafts are intensively developing here.
In 1826-28, Yerevan was taken by Russian troops and annexed to Russia. Erivan became the capital of the Armenian region, and since 1849 the Erivan province.
By the beginning of the 20th century, the city's population numbered up to 29,033 inhabitants. The ethnic composition includes both Muslim peoples - Tatars, Kurds, Persians - 49 %, and Christian Armenians - 48 %, Russians - 2 %. There were 8 churches and 7 mosques in the city. The oldest of the churches, Peter and Paul, was built in the 5th century; the Zoravar Church (1691-1705) was famous for the fact that, according to legend, the Apostle Ananias was buried there. Of the Erivan mosques, the surviving one is the Huseynali Khan (Blue Mosque), 1776, recently reconstructed by Iranian masters.
In 1902, the first railway line was laid through Erivan, which contributed to the economic growth of the city. Yerevan turned into a large industrial, cultural and scientific center; about 200 large industrial enterprises were built. In 1912, winemaking became a leading industrial sector. During the years of Soviet power, Yerevan turned from a small city into one of the largest industrial centers in Transcaucasia.
On September 21, 1991 A nationwide referendum was held on secession from the USSR. On September 23, the Supreme Council of Armenia approved the results of the referendum and proclaimed the independence of the Republic of Armenia, the capital of which is Yerevan.